Math 103A

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A monoid has two properties,

Adding a third property

    • ()


A Group is a Monoid with Inverses

Abelian Group

A group with Communativity is an Abelian Group


  • - Abelian Group
  • - Monoid (Abelian Monoid because )
    • 0 is not invertible
  • = {0, 1, …, n - 1} - Abelian Group
  • - Monoid
  • - Abelian Group
  • - Monoid
  • - Abelian Group
    • 2 & 0\\ 1 & -1 \\end{pmatrix} + \\begin{pmatrix} 3 & 1\\ 0 & 1 \\end{pmatrix} = \\begin{pmatrix} 5 & 1\\ 1 & 0 \\end{pmatrix}$$
    • Identity Element is the 0 matrix
    • Inverse - make each element in matrix negative
  • - Monoid
    • 2 & 0\\ 1 & -1 \\end{pmatrix} \cdot \\begin{pmatrix} 3 & 1\\ 0 & 1 \\end{pmatrix} = \\begin{pmatrix} 6 & 2\\ 3 & 0 \\end{pmatrix}$$
    • Identity Element is the identity matrix
  • - Abelian Group
  • - Monoid
    • Identity Element:
    • is not invertible
    • Invertible elements have no roots (do not intersect x axis)
  • - Monoid
    • Not invertible, is not invertible (Must be bijective)


A ring is a set with operations +, β‹… such that

  1. Abelian Group
  2. Monoid

A ring is called commutative if , is a commutative monoid

  • Matrix Multiplication / Addition is a non Communative Ring
  • Continuous Functions form a communative ring
  • Function Composition is not a ring

SubRing Test

A subset is a subring if it is closed under and

  • is a subgroup of
    • S is closed under subtraction
  • is a submonoid of
    • S is closed under multiplication

Remark: We also know . Since , so


  1. are subrings!

  2. not a subring

  3. \mathbb{Z}\[\\sqrt{2}\] = {a+b\sqrt{2}\ |\ a, b \in \mathbb{Z} } \subset \mathbb{R}

    Subring test: 1=1+0\sqrt2 \in \mathbb{Z}\[\\sqrt2\]

    Multiplication: (a+b\sqrt2)(c+d\sqrt2) = ac+ad\sqrt2+b\sqrt2c+ b\sqrt2\cdot d\sqrt2 = (ac+2bd)+(ad+bc)\sqrt2 \in \mathbb{Z}\[\\sqrt2\]

    Subtraction: (a+b\sqrt2)-(c+d\sqrt2)=(a-c)+(b-d)\sqrt2 \in Z\[\\sqrt2\]

    \therefore \mathbb{Z}\[\\sqrt2\] \subset \mathbb{R} it is a subring!

  4. \mathbb{Z}\[i\] = {\ a+bi\ |\ a,b\in\mathbb{Z}} \subset \mathbb{C} - Gaussian Integers (subring)

Remark: β€œlines are transitive” in this diagram, namely, if is a subring and is a subring, then is a subring

  • & \cdots & \cdots & * \ 0 & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots\ \vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots\ 0 & \cdots & 0 & * \end{pmatrix} \subset M_n(\mathbb{R})$$ is a subring
  1. B(\mathbb{R}) {f: \mathbb{R} \mathbb{R}ightarrow \mathbb{R} bounded continuous functions}= {}\subset C(\mathbb{R}) = {f: \mathbb{R} \mathbb{R}ightarrow \mathbb{R} continous functions}

Polynomial Rings

β€œPolynomial Ring over R” \Longleftrightarrow \ R\[x\]

R\[x\] = {r_0+r_1x+r_2x^2+\cdots+r_nx^n\ |\ r_0,\cdots,r_n\in \mathbb{R}}

Polynomial Addition Formula

Polynomial Multiplication Formula

Remark: (R\[x\], +, \cdot) is a ring (assuming R is an arbitary ring)

Remark: A ring is communitive if

  • - Commutative Rings
  • - Non Commutative

When is R\[x\] commutative? β‡’ if R\[x\] is commutative then R is, conversely, if R is communative then R\[x\] is commutative

Using the formula for polynomial multiplication, we find that

Therefore, R\ is \ Commutative\ \Longleftrightarrow\ R\[x\]\\ is\ Commutative

Remark: Is \mathbb{R}\[x\] \subset C(\mathbb{R}) a subring? β‡’ No, but \notin \mathbb{R}\[x\]

Remark: R\[x\] is defined for an arbitary ring R. We can have a ring, \mathbb{Z} \mathbb{R}ightarrow \mathbb{Z}\[x\] \mathbb{R}ightarrow (\mathbb{Z}\[x\])\[y\] = \mathbb{Z}\[x,y\] . Which gives us a polynomial of y with coefficents from x or vice versa.

Direct Sums

Suppose that are rings. Define the direct sum




  1. M_2(\mathbb{R}) \oplus \mathbb{Z}\[x\]
  2. ← Iterative direct sum

Remarks on Direct Sums:

  1. If are subrings, then is a subring
  2. is a subring

Ring Proofs


Recall: R is commutative if

Remark: If R is commutative and is a subring, then S is also cummutative. In particular, \mathbb{C}, \mathbb{R}, \mathbb{Q}, \mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{Z}\[\\sqrt2\], \mathbb{Q}\[i\] are all commutative

Example: is commutative whereas is not

Definition: Let R be a ring. The center of R is:

In other words, Z(R) is the set of elements in R which commute with any other element of R.


  1. We always have this is because
  2. If then Pf. Let be arbitary, we need to show that But, so,
  3. If then Pf. Let be arbitary, we need to show that Indeed, ← Associativity of ← ← Associativity of ← ← Associativity of

Corollary: (the center) is a subring


  1. If R is commutative then
  2. , then Z(R) = {\begin{pmatrix} \\alpha & \cdots & 0 \\ \\vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0& \cdots & \alpha \\ \\end{pmatrix}|\ \alpha \in \mathbb{C}}
  3. If (where S is another ring), then \\alpha & \cdots & 0 \\ \\vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0& \cdots & \alpha \\ \\end{pmatrix}|\ \alpha \in Z(S)}$$
  4. Z(R\[x\])=(Z(R))\[x\] ← The center of a polynomial ring is a polynomial ring over the center of R
  5. ← The center of the direct sum of two wrings is the direct sum of the centers


Let R be a ring. The set of units in R is:

Where and are units or invertible elements. We denote or is the inverse of


  1. since
  2. since
  3. If then is unique: if and then:
  4. One must be careful, it is possible that but is not a unit

Proposition: is a group

Proof: First, let us show that is closed under β‹… If Then:

is a unit

Neutral Element ( Identity element ) is by the above remark

If then, by the definition of a unit, there exits an such that but it follows that

Therefore is a group. (Associativity of β‹…is ensured by the fact that R is a ring, hence is associative.


  1. \\mathbb{C}^x=\mathbb{C}\backslash{0} \\ \\mathbb{Q}^x=\mathbb{Q}\backslash{0} \\ $$
  2. (What are the units in the ring of integers) ← (Every nonzero element of is invertible in )

(For example, , not invertible within because . However, if we think of , it is invertible within because )

  1. ← What are the units of the integers mod n Exactly the coprime to n residues: The cardinality of is ← Eulers totient function

Remark: (From 103A): is prime The units of the Integers mod n is equal to the integers up to n excluding zero if n is a prime number

Question: How to invert mod n? are coprime ← is the β€œResidue” ← Once we have 1, we now invert

So, so, in

  1. ← invertible matrices
  2. R=\mathbb{Z}\[i\]={\ a+bi\ |\ a,b\in Z\ } \mathbb{Z}\[i\]^x=\ ?

Using: or, ← , So, or or For conclusion, \mathbb{Z}\[i\]^x={\pm1, \pm i}

Definition: A ring is called a division ring if

Definition: A commutative division ring is called a field

In other words, a field is a system with β€œall reasonable axioms” where we can divide except for



Field (p prime)

\mathbb{Z},\ \mathbb{Z}\[i\], \mathbb{Z}\_6, \cdots not fields

division ring that is not a field


In other words, is a unit (in ) iff and


Example: How many units are there in ?


Definition: An element is a zero-divisor if there exists such that or


  1. In 2, 3, 4 are zero divisors and 1, 5 are units
  2. In

Proposition: If then is not a zero divisor

Units are never zero divisors

Remark: In general, there might be elements which are neither units nor zero divisors

Note: Units are generators in


Definition: A ring R is a domain if it has no zero divisors. R is an integral domain if it is a communative domain


  1. is an integral domain
  2. If R is a division ring then it is a domain

(Because in a division ring, non-zero elements are units, but we saw that units cannot be zero-divisors!)

  1. If R is a field then it is an integral domain

Properties of Domains

  1. Domains are β€œcanellative” If


Remark: If your ring is not a domain, do not expect it to be cancellative

In , but

Proof: Suppose R is a domain subring

Let be non-zero, let us prove that . But are non-zero, and R is a domain, so

If in addition R is commutative, then so is S

Remark: A subring of a field need not be a field Ex. Not a field β†’ ← Field

Corollary: \mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{Z}\[{\sqrt2}\], \mathbb{Z}\[{i}\], \cdots \subset \mathbb{C} therefore they are integral domains

Proposition: If R is a domain then R\[x\] is also a domain

(And if R is an integral domain then so is R\[x\]

Corollary: If F is a field then F\[x\] is an integral domain.

Moreover, F\[x,y\],\ F\[x,y,z\],\cdots are integral domains

Remark: Any subring of a field is an integral domain and conversely, if R is an integral domain then it is a subring of a field

Ex. \mathbb{Z} \subset \mathbb{Q},\ \mathbb{Z}\[i\] \subset \mathbb{Q}\[i\], \cdots

Remark: Any subring of a division ring is a domain. It is tempting to conjugate that any domain is a subring of a division ring. But that’s not true!